Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stepping Out of The Confort Zone

It's always that first step. Whether its stepping onto a stage to sing your first note in front of a crowd or climbing the ladder to the high dive, its the first initial step that is the hardest.  I went roller staking for the first time in over a decade last weekend and even though it's something I used to do all the time, the minute I laced those stakes up I was nervous. Nervous about falling, nervous about failure.

Why is it we get anxiety? Why is it most of the time our only barrier to the things we want is our own fears and insecurities? As soon as I launched off onto the floor and began staking, the anxiety went away and the childhood joy came back.  The sad thing all the things we are afraid to accomplish are really not that scary.  We just have to learn to take that first step.

I know its a lot easier said than done....

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